European Digital Innovation Hub - Energy in the Built Environment

Your access point for a digital transformation of energy applications in the building sector.  

What is the EDIH-EBE and for whom? 

EDIH-EBE, European Digital Innovation Hub Energy in the Build Environment, is the digital and physical access point or ‘one-stop-hub’ for start-ups, SMEs, midcaps (<3000 FTE) and public sector organizations that are working on energy applications in the built environment. 

Why the EDIH-EBE? 

Many companies and organizations in the public sector (social housing companies, towns and cities, …) that are working on energy applications in the built environment are neglecting innovations and opportunities in the field of digital transformation. A lost opportunity, for extensive digitalization brings many positive outcomes. It enables companies to improve products, processes and services in order to boost energy efficiency in the construction and renovation of buildings and districts. 

The EDIH-EBE has been set up to eliminate digital disparities of enterprises. It is a one-stop hub providing several services to improve the digital knowledge, skills and experiences of enterprises in the EU and Flanders. This will give them a competitive edge. 

What opportunities does digitisation offer to your company?

Which services does the EDIH-EBE offer? 

Access to many of these services is free. Services against payment are significantly lowered in price for companies that meet the EU definition of SMEs and that are not a ‘firm in difficulty’. This initiative and the favorable conditions are facilitated by a subsidy from the Digital Europe Programme and by the co-financing provided by the Province of Limburg, the city of Genk, Nuhma and the implementing partners.  A part of the financial compensation for SMEs is covered by the state aid rules (de-minimis). In order to benefit from this subsidy, the de minimis aid received by the SME during the current and the two previous financial years, may not exceed the sum of EUR 200,000. Feel free to inform whether your company complies with these conditions. 



Supporting partners

European Digital Innovation Hub – Energy in the built Environment (EDIH EBE) project nr. 101083326. Financed by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Digital Europe Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for this. The project receives additional support from the city of Genk, the province of Limburg and the implementing project partners. The de minimis state aid legislation applies to the services offered.